Foliage every season of the year.
Conifer trees make wonderful windbreaks or can add color to your landscape all season long. They retain their needles year round, during the spring, summer, and fall, they provide a dense background to offset and enhance your other shade and ornamental trees. In the winter they retain their green or blue/green color while everything else has fallen dormant.
The following trees are reccommended as they are hardy to our sometimes brutal environment.
Small Evergreens (15-25 feet mature height)
Piñon Pine
Eastern Red Cedar (juniperus virginiana)
Arborvitae (thuja occidentalis)
Large Evergreens (30-60 feet mature height)
Colorado Blue Spruce (picea pungens)
Concolor Fir
Scots Pine (Scotch Pine)
Ponderosa Pine (pinus ponderosa)